PSU Deer Study
Home Blog Topic: age

Blog Topic: age

The stick or the carrot?

I was perusing the latest issue of the Wildlife Professional in search of an interesting topic for the blog. The […]

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PSU Deer Study

How Long Do Things Last?

My daily shaver is a straight razor made sometime around 1800 by William Greaves in Sheffield, England. Greaves launched his […]

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PSU Deer Study

The Long Shot

Life is hard. But look around you. Success is everywhere! The house finches at my bird feeder, the ladybugs covering […]

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PSU Deer Study

Age and Antlers

How do you become an expert aging deer based on antlers and body size?

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PSU Deer Study

Posts Related to age

Travels of an Average Joe

Most people are average. It’s the very essence of the word. A value that represents many; common. That’s not to […]

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PSU Deer Study

Sound Stage

Forests are the setting for nature’s most beautiful melodies.

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PSU Deer Study

Sex Age Kill

Film noir masquerading as a population model

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PSU Deer Study

Middle Aged

Babies and old ladies (and men) get all the attention. Not this time.

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PSU Deer Study

Average Joe…Through the Years

Buck 12786 may be average but he’s not camera shy.

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PSU Deer Study

Average Joe

Antler size – why does everyone think they should be bigger?

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PSU Deer Study

Deer-Forest Study (Home Page)

Pennsylvania forests face many challenges – invasive plants, insect outbreaks, soil acidity, tree diseases, and even deer. This study is being conducted to better understand the role of deer in the context of all these challenges and to help Pennsylvania’s forest and wildlife managers better manage deer and the forest.
This research is a collaboration among the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry, and the Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and WIldlife Research Unit at The Pennsylvania State University.

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PSU Deer Study

Background Images

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PSU Deer Study

Closed for Renovation! 

Renovations are exciting. Sure they can be a headache but when complete, it’s like a whole new world. Many stores […]

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PSU Deer Study

Daniel and Deer

This is Daniel. He has been my neighbor for 9 years. I’ve known his family since I moved to Pennsylvania […]

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PSU Deer Study

Alone Time

White-tailed deer are social creatures. It is rare to see just one deer. And even if you can only spot […]

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PSU Deer Study