PSU Deer Study
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Blog Topic: movements

Closed for Renovation! 

Renovations are exciting. Sure they can be a headache but when complete, it’s like a whole new world. Many stores […]

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PSU Deer Study

Labor and Delivery

Fawning season is fast approaching and babies of all shapes, sizes and persuasions (deer aren’t the only ones proliferating) will […]

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PSU Deer Study


Unless you have been living under a rock (or the moon), you are familiar with totality. On April 8, 2024, […]

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PSU Deer Study

Decades in the Making

In September 2014, we published our first blog post. Ah, the good old days when getting blog ideas was easy. […]

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PSU Deer Study

Lost and Maybe Found

Technology doesn’t always work as planned. There is not a person on the planet that hasn’t cursed their phone at […]

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PSU Deer Study

Crash and Burn?

We recently provided an update of bucks leading up to the peak of the rut. If you don’t want to […]

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PSU Deer Study

Farther and Faster

Whether you are driving ,hunting, or just deer watching, changes in deer behavior are making people’s lives more exciting every […]

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PSU Deer Study

Cold Wet Winds of Change-The Verdict

Before our 15 minutes of fame, I was tackling the burning question of cold front passage and deer movements. [Note […]

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PSU Deer Study

Cold Wet Winds of Change

I always get questions about how deer respond to weather. We have tried to address this in many different ways […]

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PSU Deer Study

Gardens and Home Ranges

If you took the time to plant and tend a garden this summer, all your hard work pays off in […]

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PSU Deer Study

A Walk in the Woods

Summer is a great time to get outside. Pennsylvania is full of hiking opportunities. Sometimes even deer take a hike.  […]

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PSU Deer Study

House Hunting

Doe 16601 was an adult at time of capture. So 2018 was not her first fawning season. We know from […]

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PSU Deer Study

Posts Related to movements

Deer Crew Diaries – Entry 24-4

[Comments in brackets are by Jeannine and Duane] ———————————————————————————- From the Northern Crew: Greetings from the North. Last week we […]

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PSU Deer Study

Better than the Lottery

There is an ongoing debate in my house. Well, there are a lot of ongoing debates in my house, and […]

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PSU Deer Study

Pieces of the Puzzle

Springtime has always been a favorite for me. Even though we didn’t have much of a winter, I can’t wait […]

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PSU Deer Study

Deer Crew Diaries – Entry 23-1

It’s that time of year again! After a bit of a rough start filling positions, the trapping crews have started […]

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PSU Deer Study

Playing the Lottery – Part 2

I was sitting in my daughter’s tree stand this week (it’s really my tree stand that is named for her, […]

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PSU Deer Study

Playing the Lottery – Part 1

What’s the chances a buck lives 3 years? When you radiocollar a deer to monitor movements and survival you need […]

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PSU Deer Study

I’m Outta Here!

Don’t panic, neither Jeannine or I quit (although some days…). But we do have a buck who said “See ya […]

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PSU Deer Study

Thinking About Rifle Season

It has been a busy fall. In fact, so busy that Jeannine and I have had little time for writing […]

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PSU Deer Study

The Dog Barked

A few weeks ago, we sent out a call. And, of course, you answered! Many readers of the blog responded […]

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PSU Deer Study

The “Worst-Case” Deer

Previously I shared some movements our collared deer make across roadways. Whether you’ve been personally involved in a deer-vehicle collision […]

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PSU Deer Study

Nesting or Fledging?

Ah spring! With longer and warm days, it’s time to get out and enjoy it. Bucks are on board with […]

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PSU Deer Study

Deer Crew Diaries – Entry 21-6

[Comments in brackets are by Jeannine and Duane] ——————————————————————– From the Northern Crew: At the end of last week, we […]

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PSU Deer Study