PSU Deer Forest Blog
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The Deer-Forest Blog

What’s up Doc? – Chipmunk Cheeks DIAGNOSIS

You’ve had all weekend to mull it over. Here’s what the Doctor says.

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PSU Deer Study

What’s up Doc? – Chipmunk Cheeks

Here’s one to chew on. Take a look and tell us your diagnosis.

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PSU Deer Study

FMSI – Pennsylvania

Ever watch CSI and NCIS? Well, this isn’t TV and these aren’t crimes but biologists star in their own series – Fawn Mortality Scene Investigation.

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PSU Deer Study

Run Forest Run

We are but mere mortals when it comes to those who run IN the forest.

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PSU Deer Study

Female Dispersal? Really.

Everyone knows it’s males that are supposed to do the dispersing. What’s going on?

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PSU Deer Study


Pennsylvania has some great wildlife. And it is most abundant right now. So where is it?

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PSU Deer Study

Decoding the Pattern

We’ve been talking about fawns a lot lately with much reference to their cuteness. So let’s talk about one of the cuteness factors: those spots.

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Beware the Flesh Eating Deer!

White-tailed deer are herbivores. Or are they?

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The Race Is Over – Fawn Capture Update

Believe it or not, the end of the fawning season is here. So how did the crews fair in the race to catch them?

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PSU Deer Study

My What Big Ears You Have!

At about a week old, it’s a coin flip as to whether a fawn will stay curled up on the ground when found or jump up and sprint off. Will our capture crews win the coin toss?

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PSU Deer Study

Cooler Critters

We all love deer but are there cooler critters out there?

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PSU Deer Study

Mountain laurel – the living legacy

While beautiful, that tangled mess and those little petals on the ground don’t make it any easier to find fawns.

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PSU Deer Study