PSU Deer Study
Home Blog Topic: deer-vehicle collisions

Blog Topic: deer-vehicle collisions

The “Worst-Case” Deer

Previously I shared some movements our collared deer make across roadways. Whether you’ve been personally involved in a deer-vehicle collision […]

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PSU Deer Study

Make Good Choices

Some mornings, as I roll out of bed and check my email, I’m greeted with this message glaring up at […]

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PSU Deer Study

Posts Related to deer-vehicle collisions

Beach Bums

Being a permanent beach bum may not be a dream come true.

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PSU Deer Study

Because deer run into my truck

Deer, research, and management influence more than forests.

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PSU Deer Study

Tracking the Pulse

While this may look like a heart rate monitor, this is a different kind of pulse.

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PSU Deer Study